UploadFile/f9f215/windows-registry/Images/img3.png' alt='C Microsoft Win32 Registry Localmachine Opensubkey' title='C Microsoft Win32 Registry Localmachine Opensubkey' />VB. NET Registry Operations. A central hierarchical database used in Microsoft Windows Operating System to store information that is necessary to configure the system for one or more users, applications and hardware devices. The Registry comprises a number of logical sections called Hives. The following are the predefined keys that are used by the system. HKEYCURRENTUSER. HKEYLOCALMACHINE. HKEYCLASSESROOT. VB. NET Registry Operations A central hierarchical database used in Microsoft Windows Operating System to store information that is necessary to configure the system. Starting in Windows Server, version 1709, Nano Server will be available only as a container base OS image. Check out Changes to Nano Server to learn what this means. I will show you how to write MyActiveX. DLL, place it on an HTML page and distribute it with a CAB file. But I will start in reverse order. Its a common requirement for a software developer to have to access the Windows Registry. Many applications store their settings within the registry, not. HKEYCURRENTCONFIGEach key has many subkeys and may have a value. When programming with VB. NET, you can choose to access the registry via either the functions provided by VB. NET or the registry classes of the. NET Framework. Registry entries contain two parts the value name and the value. Barclays Premier League Font Download. Build-Graphic-2-25-201.png' alt='C Microsoft Win32 Registry Localmachine Opensubkey' title='C Microsoft Win32 Registry Localmachine Opensubkey' />Creating a Registry Entry r. Key Registry. Local. Machine. Open. Sub. Internal static Funcltstring, string, bool regKey delegate string KeyLocation, string Value get registry key with Microsoft. Win32. Registrys. Finally there are some other features. Firstly, on the MSFTWin32 stack, the facility for passively bonding is provided by handling a global event. I am looking for a simple script to check if a registry key exists on remote machines. I have the code to perform an action based on a list of machines. Dim MyReg As Microsoft. Win32. RegistryKey Microsoft. Win32. RegistryKey. OpenRemoteBaseKeyMicrosoft. Win32. RegistryHive. LocalMachine, server1 Dim MyRegKey As. KeySOFTWARE, True. Key. Create. Sub. KeyApp. RegAbove code shows how to create a subkey under HKLMSoftware called App. Reg. Writing values to Registry r. Key. Set. ValueApp. Name, Reg. App. Key. Set. ValueVersion, 1. NzhRx.png' alt='C Microsoft Win32 Registry Localmachine Opensubkey' title='C Microsoft Win32 Registry Localmachine Opensubkey' />Above code shows how to set values to registry entry App. Reg. The following VB. NET program shows how to create a registry entry, set values to registry, retrieve values from registry and delete keys on Registry. Drag and drop four buttons on the form control and copy and paste the following source code. In this article I will explain you about the Windows Registry in C.