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Properties of coppereditElectrical conductivity is a measure of how well a material transports an electric charge. This is an essential property in electrical wiring systems. Copper has the highest electrical conductivity rating of all non precious metals the electrical resistivity of copper 1. C. Specially pure Oxygen Free Electronic OFE copper is about 1 more conductive i. IACS. 78The theory of metals in their solid state9 helps to explain the unusually high electrical conductivity of copper. In a copper atom, the outermost 4s energy zone, or conduction band, is only half filled, so many electrons are able to carry electric current. When an electric field is applied to a copper wire, the conduction of electrons accelerates towards the electropositive end, thereby creating a current. These electrons encounter resistance to their passage by colliding with impurity atoms, vacancies, lattice ions, and imperfections. The average distance travelled between collisions, defined as the mean free path, is inversely proportional to the resistivity of the metal. What is unique about copper is its long mean free path approximately 1. This mean free path increases rapidly as copper is chilled. Because of its superior conductivity, annealed copper became the international standard to which all other electrical conductors are compared. In 1. 91. 3, the International Electrotechnical Commission defined the conductivity of commercially pure copper in its International Annealed Copper Standard, as 1. IACS 5. 8. 0 MSm at 2. C, decreasing by 0. C. 78 Because commercial purity has improved over the last century, copper conductors used in building wire often slightly exceed the 1. IACS standard. 1. The main grade of copper used for electrical applications is electrolytic tough pitch ETP copper CW0. A or ASTM designation C1. This copper is at least 9. IACS. ETP copper contains a small percentage of oxygen 0. If high conductivity copper needs to be welded or brazed or used in a reducing atmosphere, then oxygen free copper CW0. A or ASTM designation C1. Several electrically conductive metals are less dense than copper, but require larger cross sections to carry the same current and may not be usable when limited space is a major requirement. Aluminium has 6. 1 of the conductivity of copper. The cross sectional area of an aluminium conductor must be 5. The need to increase the thickness of aluminium wire restricts its use in several applications,4 such as in small motors and automobiles. In some applications such as aerial electric power transmission cables, copper is rarely usedcitation needed. Silver, a precious metal, is the only metal with a higher electrical conductivity than copper. The electrical conductivity of silver is 1. IACS scale, and the electrical resistivity of silver 1. C. 1. 41. 5 The high cost of silver combined with its low tensile strength limits its use to special applications, such as joint plating and sliding contact surfaces, and plating for the conductors in high quality coaxial cables used at frequencies above 3. MHz. Tensile strengthedit. F connectors attached to coaxial cables are used for TV aerial and satellite dish connections to a TV or set top box. Tensile strength measures the force required to pull an object such as rope, wire, or a structural beam to the point where it breaks. The tensile strength of a material is the maximum amount of tensile stress it can take before breaking. Coppers higher tensile strength 2. Nmm. 2 annealed compared to aluminium 1. Nmm. 2 for typical conductor alloys1. Coppers high strength resists stretching, neck down, creep, nicks and breaks, and thereby also prevents failures and service interruptions. Copper is much heavier than aluminum for conductors of equal current carrying capacity, so the high tensile strength is offset by its increased weight. DuctilityeditDuctility is a materials ability to deform under tensile stress. This is often characterized by the materials ability to be stretched into a wire. Ductility is especially important in metalworking because materials that crack or break under stress cannot be hammered, rolled, or drawn drawing is a process that uses tensile forces to stretch metal. Copper has a higher ductility than alternate metal conductors with the exception of gold and silver. Because of coppers high ductility, it is easy to draw down to diameters with very close tolerances. Strength and ductility combinationeditUsually, the stronger a metal is, the less pliable it is. This is not the case with copper. A unique combination of high strength and high ductility makes copper ideal for wiring systems. At junction boxes and at terminations, for example, copper can be bent, twisted, and pulled without stretching or breaking. Creep resistanceeditCreep is the gradual deformation of a material from constant expansions and contractions under load, no load conditions. This process has adverse effects on electrical systems terminations can become loose, causing connections to heat up or create dangerous arcing. Copper has excellent creep characteristics which minimizes loosening at connections. For other metal conductors that creep, extra maintenance is required to check terminals periodically and ensure that screws remain tightened to prevent arcing and overheating. Corrosion resistanceeditCorrosion is the unwanted breakdown and weakening of a material due to chemical reactions. Copper generally resists corrosion from moisture, humidity, industrial pollution, and other atmospheric influences. However, any corrosion oxides, chlorides, and sulfides that do form on copper are somewhat conductive. Under many application conditions copper is higher on the galvanic series than other common structural metals, meaning that copper wire is less likely to be corroded in wet conditions. However, any more anodic metals in contact with copper will be corroded since will essentially be sacrificed to the copper. Coefficient of thermal expansioneditMetals and other solid materials expand upon heating and contract upon cooling. This is an undesirable occurrence in electrical systems. Copper has a low coefficient of thermal expansion for an electrical conducting material. Aluminium, an alternate common conductor, expands nearly one third more than copper under increasing temperatures. This higher degree of expansion, along with aluminiums lower ductility, can cause electrical problems when bolted connections are improperly installed. By using proper hardware, such as spring pressure connections and cupped or split washers at the joint, it may be possible to create aluminium joints that compare in quality to copper joints.