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Microsoft Vb Runtime Error 1004 Application' title='Microsoft Vb Runtime Error 1004 Application' />Pascal programming language Wikipedia. Pascal is an imperative and proceduralprogramming language, which Niklaus Wirth designed in 1. It is named in honor of the French mathematician, philosopher and physicist Blaise Pascal. Pascal was developed on the pattern of the ALGOL 6. Wirth had already developed several improvements to this language as part of the ALGOL X proposals, but these were not accepted and Pascal was developed separately and released in 1. A derivative known as Object Pascal designed for object oriented programming was developed in 1. Apple Computer and Borland in the late 1. Delphi on the Microsoft Windows platform. Extensions to the Pascal concepts led to the Pascal like languages Modula 2 and Oberon. HistoryeditEarlier effortseditMuch of the history of computer language design during the 1. ALGOL 6. 0 language. I run this code and it created the first spreadsheet, saves it and then closes it fine Call MondayClickAPJ, strToday. But, when it calls the function Call. Learn, Share, Build. Each month, over 50 million developers come to Stack Overflow to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Join the worlds.
ALGOL was developed during the 1. It included a number of features for structured programming that remain common in languages to this day. Shortly after its introduction, in 1. Wirth began working on his dissertation with Helmut Weber on the Euler programming language. Euler was based on ALGOLs syntax and many concepts but was not a derivative. Its primary goal was to add dynamic lists and types, allowing it to be used in roles similar to the Lisp. The language was published in 1. By this time, a number of problems in ALGOL had been identified, notably the lack of a standardized string system. The group tasked with maintaining the language had begun the ALGOL X process to identify improvements, calling for submissions. Cartoon Network Ben 10 Battle Ready Download Mp3. Wirth and Tony Hoare submitted a conservative set of modifications to add strings and clean up some of the syntax. These were considered too minor to be worth using as the new standard ALGOL, so Wirth wrote a compiler for the language, which became known as ALGOL W. The ALGOL X efforts would go on to choose a dramatically more complex language, ALGOL 6. The complexity of this language led to considerable difficulty producing high performance compilers, and it was not widely used in the industry. HDvsU_k3ws/VRedaONgrFI/AAAAAAAAAbU/fGgfqWFl33w/s1600/1.bmp' alt='Microsoft Vb Runtime Error 1004 Application' title='Microsoft Vb Runtime Error 1004 Application' />This left an opening for newer languages. Pascal was influenced by the ALGOL W efforts, with the explicit goals of producing a language that would be efficient both in the compiler and at run time, allow for the development of well structured programs, and to be useful for teaching students structured programming. A generation of students used Pascal as an introductory language in undergraduate courses. One of the early successes for language was the introduction of UCSD Pascal, a version that ran on a custom operating system that could be ported to different platforms. A key platform was the Apple II, where it saw widespread use. This led to the use of Pascal becoming the primary high level language used for development in the Apple Lisa, and later, the Macintosh. Parts of the original Macintosh operating system were hand translated into Motorola 6. Pascal sources. 5The typesetting system Te. X by Donald E. Knuth was written in WEB, the original literate programming system, based on DECPDP 1. Pascal, while applications like Total Commander, Skype and Macromedia Captivate were written in Delphi Object Pascal. Apollo Computer used Pascal as the systems programming language for its operating systems beginning in 1. Variants of Pascal have also frequently been used for everything from research projects to PC games and embedded systems. Newer Pascal compilers exist which are widely used. Object PascaleditDuring work on the Lisa, Larry Tesler began corresponding with Wirth on the idea of adding object oriented extensions to the language. This led initially to Clascal, introduced in 1. As the Lisa program faded and was replaced by the Mac, a further version known as Object Pascal was created. This was introduced on the Macintosh in 1. Mac. Appapplication framework, and became Apples primary development language into the early 1. The Object Pascal extensions were later added to Turbo Pascal, and over the years became the Delphi system for Microsoft Windows. Delphi is still used for developing Windows applications, but also has the ability to cross compile the same code to Mac, i. OS and Android. Another cross platform version called Free Pascal, with the Lazarus IDE, is popular with Linux users since it also offers write once, compile anywhere development. Code. Typhon is a Lazarus distribution with more preinstalled packages and cross compilers. Brief descriptioneditWirths intention was to create an efficient language regarding both compilation speed and generated code based on structured programming, a recently popularized concept that he promoted in his book Algorithms Data Structures Programs. Pascal has its roots in the ALGOL 6. ALGOLs scalars and arrays enabled programmers to define their own complex structured datatypes, and also made it easier to build dynamic and recursive data structures such as lists, trees and graphs. Important features included for this were records, enumerations, subranges, dynamically allocated variables with associated pointers, and sets. To make this possible and meaningful, Pascal has a strong typing on all objects, which means that one type of data cannot be converted or interpreted as another without explicit conversions. Similar mechanisms are standard in many programming languages today. Other languages that influenced Pascals development were Simula 6. Wirths own ALGOL W. Pascal, like many programming languages of today but unlike most languages in the C family, allows nested procedure definitions to any level of depth, and also allows most kinds of definitions and declarations inside subroutines procedures and functions. This enables a very simple and coherent syntax where a complete program is syntactically nearly identical to a single procedure or function except for the heading, which has one of these three keywords. ImplementationseditEarly Pascal compilerseditThe first Pascal compiler was designed in Zrich for the CDC 6. Niklaus Wirth reports that a first attempt to implement it in Fortran in 1. Fortrans inadequacy to express complex data structures. The second attempt was implemented in a C like language Scallop by Max Engeli and then translated by hand by R. Schild to Pascal itself for boot strapping. It was operational by mid 1. Many Pascal compilers since have been similarly self hosting, that is, the compiler is itself written in Pascal, and the compiler is usually capable of recompiling itself when new features are added to the language, or when the compiler is to be ported to a new environment. The GNU Pascal compiler is one notable exception, being written in C. The first successful port of the CDC Pascal compiler to another mainframe was completed by Welsh and Quinn at the Queens University of Belfast QUB in 1. The target was the ICL1. This compiler, in turn, was the parent of the Pascal compiler for the Information Computer Systems ICS Multum minicomputer. The Multum port was developed with a view to using Pascal as a systems programming language by Findlay, Cupples, Cavouras and Davis, working at the Department of Computing Science in Glasgow University. It is thought that Multum Pascal, which was completed in the summer of 1. A completely new compiler was completed by Welsh et al.