DrKlahn/2012-07-04_025833_new-1.gif' alt='Printhead Installed Not Intended Use Code' title='Printhead Installed Not Intended Use Code' />INTERMEC EASYCODER PD4. USER MANUAL Pdf Download. Users Guide Easy. Coder PD4. 2 Printer. Operators Manual Datamax International Herbert House 12 Elizabeth Way, Pinnacles Harlow, Essex CM19 5FE UK Phone 44 1279 772200 Fax 44 1279 424448. Inkjet printing is a type of computer printing that recreates a digital image by propelling droplets of ink onto paper, plastic, or other substrates. Inkjet printers. View and Download Intermec EasyCoder PF4i user manual online. Intermec EasyCoder PF4i User Guide. EasyCoder PF4i Printer pdf manual download. The IBM Selectric typewriter was a highly successful model line of electric typewriters introduced by IBM on 31 July 1961. Instead of the basket of individual. Printhead Installed Not Intended Use Code' title='Printhead Installed Not Intended Use Code' />Intermec Technologies Corporation. Information and specifications contained in this document are subject to change without prior notice and do not represent a commitment on the part of Intermec Technologies Corporation. Intermec Technologies Corporation. All rights reserved. Introducing the Easy. Fast onsite HP Color LaserJet 4600 printer repair Los Angeles, Orange County Riverside and Inland Empire. Oracle Database 11G Standard Edition Features Of The Ocean there. LaserJet 4600 printer repair with service error code. Back to PrinterCopierFax Repair FAQ Table of Contents. Printer and Photocopier Technology Dot matrix printer operation These are the only type of impact printers. View and Download Intermec EasyCoder PD42 user manual online. Intermec EasyCoder PD42 User Guide. EasyCoder PD42 Printer pdf manual download. Coder PD4. 2 Printer. Understanding Printer States. Common+Problems+and+Resolutions.jpg' alt='Printhead Installed Not Intended Use Code' title='Printhead Installed Not Intended Use Code' />Understanding the Printer Startup Sequence. Changing Configuration Settings. Cleaning the Media Compartment. Cleaning the Exterior of the Printer. Specification, Interfaces, and Options Printer Specifications. Easy. Coder PD4. 2 Printer Users Guide. Global Services and Support Warranty Information To understand the warranty for your Intermec product, visit the Intermec web site at Support Warranty. Easy. Coder PD4. 2 Printer Users Guide Before You Begin www. PDF. To order printed versions of the Intermec manuals, contact your local Intermec representative or distributor. Visit the Intermec technical knowledge base Knowledge Central at information or to request technical support for your Intermec product. Telephone Support These services are available from Intermec. Services. This document provides you with information about the features of the PD4. Get the latest breaking news across the U. S. on ABCNews. com. Related Documents This table contains a list of related Intermec documents and their part numbers. Document Title Intemec Fingerprint Programmers Reference Manual IPL Programmers Reference Manual. Click Service Support Manuals. In the Select a Product field, choose the product whose documentation you want to download. To order printed versions of the Intermec manuals, contact your local Intermec representative or distributor. Easy. Coder PD4. 2 Printer Users Guide. Using the Printer This chapter includes the following sections Introducing the Easy. Coder PD4. 2 Printer Features of the Printer Working With the Print Button and LED Indicators Working With the Display and the Soft Keys Easy. Coder PD4. 2 Printer Users Guide. Chapter 1 Using the Printer Introducing the Easy. Coder PD4. 2 Printer The Easy. Coder PD4. 2 printer is a dependable and versatile printer suitable for medium duty applications in manufacturing, transportation and warehouse environments. It has all metal chassis and covers, proven printing mechanics, and powerful electronics providing sturdiness, performance, and reliability. Back View of the Printer Side door Back View Back View Connectors Easy. Coder PD4. 2 Printer Users Guide Chapter 1 Using the Printer Intake for external media supply Machine labels USB host port Ethernet RJ 4. USB port MAC address label. Media Compartment and Print Mechanism Media Compartment Label taken sensor Print Mechanism Ink position lever Edge guide Media supply post Ribbon supply shaft Ribbon rewind shaft Printhead balance boxes Thermal Tear bar printhead Easy. Coder PD4. 2 Printer Users Guide Ribbon Printhead lever Media feed rods. Firmware Your PD4. Fingerprint or IPL Intermec Printer Language firmware. The choice of firmware affects the functionality of the printer and how you interact with it. This manual contains information that applies exclusively to the type of firmware, so it is strongly recommended that you familiarize yourself enough with your PD4. Fingerprint or IPL. LEDs and the Print Button Control LEDs Symbol The four LED indicators are on, off, or flashing depending on which state the printer is in. The Power LED is always on for all states except Power Off. Understanding Printer States on Color. The blue Ready to Work LED shows the operational status of the printer. In simple terms, it is turned on when the printer is operational. The indicator is set to flash when the printer is receiving data or under certain mild error conditions, for. Below the display are five buttons that act as soft keys, which means that the function of each button depends on the state of the printer. The function is indicated with a small icon in the display just above the key itself. Connecting the Printer to Your System Connecting Peripherals Through USB Host Loading Media Loading Thermal Transfer Ribbon Plugging in the Printer Printing Test Labels Creating and Printing a Label Easy. Coder PD4. 2 Printer Users Guide. Connecting the Printer Through the USB Interface To use the USB connection, you need to install the Intermec Inter. Driver software on your computer. To ensure you get the latest version, check the Intermec web site first. This software can also be found on the Printer. Companion CD along with instructions on how to install it. IP number from the network DHCP once it is turned on. You can use the network connection either with Label. Shop or the Intermec Inter. Driver. You can also use it to directly send commands to the printer through a terminal connection Telnet, or you can send instructions via FTP. Chapter 2 Installing the Printer 4 Enter the printers IP address in the address field of your web browser for example http 2. This brings up the printers home page, where it is possible to check and modify various printer settings. Modifying settings requires a login name and a password by default, these are set to admin. You can connect a bar code scanner of HID Human Interface Device type to the printer. The scanner will send data to the console device in the same way as a USB keyboard. This data can then be used in a Fingerprint application. Human Interface Device keyboard or bar code scanner. Loading Media The Easy. Coder PD4. 2 can print on labels, tickets, tags, and continuous stock in various formats. Refer to Appendix B, Media Specifications. Pull out the printhead lever and turn it counterclockwise. Lift the label feed guide. Load a media roll onto the media supply hub. Be sure to push it all the way in. Easy. Coder PD4. 2 Printer Users Guide Chapter 2 Installing the Printer Label feed guide Printhead lever. If you are using fan fold media, load it through the rear intake and route the it the same way as you would a media roll. Reset the label feed guide and the printhead lever. Close the side door. Easy. Coder PD4. 2 Printer Users Guide. Open the side door, mount the media roll, and route the media through the media feed rods refer to Steps 1 4 in load media for tear off operation on page Easy. Coder PD4. 2 Printer Users Guide Chapter 2 Installing the Printer to calibrate the printers sensors. Route the label liner through the print mechanism and back into the media compartment. Wrap the liner around the takeup roll and lock it in place. Reset the label feed guide and the printhead lever. Easy. Coder PD4. 2 Printer Users Guide. Make sure to select a ribbon type that matches the type of receiving material and set up the printer accordingly. The ribbon is normally loaded at the same time as a new media roll. Chapter 2 Installing the Printer The Easy. Coder PD4. 2 can use transfer ribbon rolls wound with the ink coated side facing either outward or inward. To determine which type of ribbon you have, use a pen or another sharp object to scratch through the ribbon against a piece of paper. Slide the ribbon roll onto the right ribbon hub, and the empty ribbon core on the left hub. Ink out ribbon only route the ribbon and set the ink position lever as indicated below. Easy. Coder PD4. 2 Printer Users Guide Chapter 2 Installing the Printer.