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Mobile Emulators and Simulators The ultimate guide to mobile developers. The most useful tools for mobile web are emulators and simulators. In Chapter 4 of Programming the Mobile Web Ive made an extensive description and installation guideline for creating a desktop mobile testing environment. And in Chapter 1. Adobe Air For Mobile Devices Download Youtube' title='Adobe Air For Mobile Devices Download Youtube' />Ive also reviewed other solutions for mobile testing, including four device remote lab solutions. Ive mixed all this information to create this ultimate guide to 3. InformationWeek. com News, analysis and research for business technology professionals, plus peertopeer knowledge sharing. Engage with our community. Release Notes for Flash Player 27 and AIR 27. A guide of 35 download resources for hundreds of emulators and simulators for mobile design and development, including iPhone, Android, Nokia, tablets and more. Adobe Flash is a deprecated multimedia software platform used for production of animations, rich Internet applications, desktop applications, mobile applications. Enjoy This list includes content from Programming the Mobile Web book with frequent updated information links. Free Download Adobe Elements 6. List of mobile and tablet emulators for mobile web design development testing. Name. Official. Platform. Type. Browser testing. KnaWW_gw9t-0lLNhABRipBorJ84zwIkWqHRGDl-t_HVCHLg4MivtFGcVo4TgLit84CH=h900' alt='Adobe Air For Mobile Devices Download Youtube' title='Adobe Air For Mobile Devices Download Youtube' />Native testing. Compatibilityi. OS Simulator. Officiali. OSSimulator. Safari only. Objective CDownload. C630&quality=80&' alt='Adobe Air For Mobile Devices Download Youtube' title='Adobe Air For Mobile Devices Download Youtube' />Join millions of creative folks who trust and use Adobe Photoshop Express, one of the best photo editing tools in android for quick, easy, and powerful. The Stage Video API in Adobe Flash Player and Adobe AIR enables beautiful, highperformance video playback across platforms, including TVs. Stage Video helps websites. Adobe photoshop 7. Adobe Photoshop 7. Adobe Photoshop CS6, Adobe Photoshop 5. Features. Adobe Flash Player is a runtime that executes and displays content from a provided SWF file, although it has no inbuilt features to modify the SWF file at. Gb login requiredDevices i. Phone 3. GS, i. Pod Touch, i. Phone 4, i. Pad TabletComes with XCode and Native SDK. You cant emulate AccelerometerGyroscope Device. Motion API. You cant emulate URI schemes, such as click to call. As a Simulator, it doesnt provide an App. Store you cant install other browsers for testing, such as Opera Mini or Skyfire. Android Emulator. Official. Android. Emulator. Android Browser others. Java. Download. 20. Mb and 6. 0Mb per platform package. Devices Generic devices using 1. O. S. platform. We need to download images of the platforms after downloading the SDK. Look at Chapter 4 of the book for details. After downloading the platform, you can install Firefox, Opera Mini, Opera Mobile, Skyfire and UCWEB in your Android emulator for testing. You can download Motorola, Samsung and Nook add ons see below. Now it includes tablet support in Honey. Comb 3. 0HP web. OS Emulator. Officialweb. OSVirtual Machineweb. OS Browser. Java. Script CDownload. Mb. Devices Palm Pre, Palm Pixi, Palm Pixi Plus. Comes with SDKSamsung Galaxy Tab Add on. Official. Android. Add on. Android Browser others. Java. Download. 52. Mb. Devices Samsung Galaxy Tab TabletRequires Android SDK with 2. The download is done using the Android 2. SDK searching for third party packages. Motorola Xoom Add on. Official. Android. Add on. Android Browser others. Java. Download. 2Mb. Devices Motorola Xoom TabletRequires Android SDK with 3. Its only a skin for the emulator. Nokia Symbian Emulators. Official. Symbian. Emulator. S6. 0 Browser others. Java ME WRT webapps CDownload. Mb each requires loginDevices All Symbian devicesincluding 3rd edition FP2 such as Nokia N9. Nokia 5. 80. 0 Xpress. Music, Symbian3 such as N8 and an specific N9. Large download and installation. You need to check previous requirements to be installed first. You can install Opera Mini, Opera Mobile, Bolt Browser and UCWEB on Symbian emulators. Nokia Series 4. 0 Emulators. Official. Nokia OSEmulator. Nokia Browser others. Java ME Flash Lite. Download. 30 1. 00. Mb eachrequires loginDevices All devices including 2nd edition, 3rd edition, 3rd edition FP1, 3rd edition FP2, 5th edition, 5th edition FP1, 5th edition FP1 Lite, 6th edition, 6th edition FP1. You can install Opera Mini, UCWEB, Bolt Browser and OVI Browser Beta on Series 4. Motorola Add ons SDK for Android. Official. Android. Add on. Android Browser others. Download. 30 6. 0Mb each device. Devices Motorola Atrix, Bravo, Cliq 2, Dext, Milestone, Back. Flip, Devour, Qrty, i. Droid. 2, Droid X, Flipout, Defy, Flipside, Cliq, Citrus, others. Requires Android Emulator. There are 2. 0 different downloads. Black. Berry Simulators. Official. RIM OSEmulator. RIM Browser others. Java. Download. 50 1. Mb each. Requires login. Devices 3. 5 different models including series Bold, Curve, Pearl, Storm, Storm. Style, Torch Tour. Every model has different emulators combining OS version and operator firmware. For web browsing testing you need to install and open a proxy service. See Chapter 4 for a full compatibility table and installation guide. You can install Opera Mini and Bolt Browser on Black. Berry emulators. Black. Berry Play. Book Simulator. Official. Tablet OSVirtual Machine. Internal Browser. Adobe AIRDownload. Mb. Requires login. Devices Black. Berry Play. Book tabletHTML5 browser support. Adobe AIR Packaged HTML5 Web. Workers app support. Windows Phone 7 Simulator. Official. Windows Phone. Emulator. Internet Explorer. Silverlight. Download Visual Studio Express included5. Mb. Devices Generic Windows Phone 7. Comes with Visual Studio Express free version or as an add in for commercial versions. Sony Ericsson SDK for Android. Official. Android. Add on. Android Browser others. Download. 50. Mb. Devices Sony Ericsson Xperia X1. Requires Android Emulator. Nook SDK for Android. Official. Android. Add on. Android Browser others. Download. 13. 0Mb. Requires Login. Devices Barnes Noble Nook Color. Requires Android Emulator. Opera Mobile Emulator. Official. Symbian Android Windows. Simulator. Opera Mobile. No native. Download. Mb. Devices Multiple devices OS emulation support. You can also use emulators Symbian, Android and install the real Opera Mobile inside. Opera Mini Simulator. Official. Many. Online emulator. Opera Mini. No native. Use Online. Use online v. Devices Generic Java device No Opera Mini for i. OS emulation. You can also use emulators Symbian, Android, Java, Black. Berry and install the real Opera Mini inside. Firefox for Mobile Simulator. Official. Generic Engine. Simulator. Firefox Mobile. No native. Download. Mb. Devices Multiple devices beta version. You can also use emulators Android and install the real Firefox Mobile inside. The desktop simulator is very basic and its in beta state. Qt Simulator. Official. Symbian Maemo. Simulator. No Browser support. Qt. Download. 50. Mb. Devices Maemo such as Nokia N9. Symbian Touch such as Nokia N8 and Symbian non touch such as Nokie E7. It does not support web browsing testing. You can test and create Qt. Web. Kit apps hybrids with HTML5 and CSS3. Nokia Web SDK Simulator. Official. Symbian Maemo. Simulator. Webapp testing. WRT and webapps. Download. Mb. Requires Login. Devices Maemo such as Nokia N9. Symbian Touch such as Nokia N8 and Symbian non touch such as Nokie E7. It does not support direct web browsing testing. You can test and create webapps widgets. Phone. Gap Simulator. Generic. Simulator. Web. Kit based. Phone. Gap hybrid testing. Download. 15. Mb. Devices Apple i. Phone, Generic Android, and others. The rendering engine is a simulation. You can use it for hybrid Phone. Gap testing or for simple Web. Kit based browser simulation. Adobe Device Central CS5. Several. Simulator. Generic browser support. Flash. Included with Creative Suite commercialDevices Device Library with more than 1. The web browsing support up to CS5 version is very basic just a sized webkit browser for every device and non accurate. Bada Simulator. Official. Bada OSSimulator. No Browser Support. Bada CDownload. 20. Mb. Requires Login. Devices Maemo such as Nokia N9. Symbian Touch such as Nokia N8 and Symbian non touch such as Nokie E7. It does not support direct web browsing testing. You can test and create webapps widgets. Garnet Emulator. Official. Garnet OS formerly Palm OSEmulator. Net. Front. Garnet. Download. 20. 04. Mb. Devices Old Palm OS devices. Windows Mobile 6 Emulator. Official. Windows Mobile. Emulator. Internet Explorer.